Monday, April 20, 2009

Time to have fun

It's warm weather and time for fun. Find things that both you and your dogs like to do. A trip to the park is great. Remember bring water for you and your dog. I like using a six foot leather lead, I have more control if I should need it.
Look in your yard for more fun for your dog. How about a basket ball. My dogs love balls, I often have to retrieve it, they get so excited they knock it out of the yard.
I will be back soon.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Well, we have finally have some warm weather. It is a good time to start walking those pups. Taking a few treats in your pocket will help you keep pups eyes on you. First step, when you start your walk give a treat to pup so they no you have something good. That way if they find something that you don't want them to do, you get another treat out to get their attention and they get it when they leave what ever it might be (maybe another dog barking in a yard). This will make your walks a little easier. Walking is not just good for our pups, but it's good for us too. Have fun and enjoy your walks.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Cold Weather

It is the season to be watching your pups. Those of you that have outside dogs. Really need to think about bringing them in when the tempter drop. Watch those water bowl. And increase their food, because to keep warm takes fat and if they are eating the same as in good weather they will lose weight. If they seems to licking their feet alot, check them they may have ice between them.
Those good people that are walking their dogs, be sure to watch their feet. With salt on the sidewalks, it is hard on their pads. I have recently heard of putting bag balm on their pads to help. And for those short coated dogs get them a sweater to wear. On the medium size dogs, sometime a toddler sweater with a little of ajustment can fit.
Have a great New Year.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

How many of you have dogs with wetting problems?

It is more common than you think. Most people don't talk about it. Some pups can't hold as long as we think they should. Often people put their pup out to potty and the pup forgets to go. Once they get back inside and relax, the bladder relaxes also. Best thing to do is put them out, when they come in crate them for 15 minutes and than back outside. Remember if you keep water down all the time, they maybe drinking more than they need. (just because they don't have anything better to do) Remember anything that goes in must come out. Pups have small bladders and can't hold for more than 20 minutes. I pick the water up at about 6pm for the night, you can very this. Once they are older it doesn't seem to be a problem. If they seem to be going to much, check with your vet to see if they have a bladder infection, it's not uncommon.
Alright what about those older males that hike their legs in the house. There are couple of different things you can try. One is a diaper, yes they make them for dogs. And they do work. You have to remember to take them off when the go outside. A friend of mine, housebroke her mom's Yorkie using them. There is also a belly band, it fits over you know what. I have use this and it does work. They are less expensive than the diaper. And if you can sew you can make one yourself and use light day pads inside.
And than we get to the females. The diapers works and so do breeches. Often after a female is fixed they leak when they are sleeping. The diapers do work or at least they help with the problem.
I hope this will help with the wetting problems.

Friday, October 17, 2008

How do people pick their dogs?

I'm trying to understand why people pick the dogs they do. Like when an elderly couple get a Jack Russel Terrier and don't understand the little guy can out run them or he gets under their feet. People need to stop and meet the different dogs before they decide. Reading about the different breeds is good, but it's not the same as meeting them.
I remember a gal that got a Malamute. She worked very hard on training the dog. Which at six months almost weighed as much as her. When I asked her why she pick that breed she told me, because they are pretty...............
Any opions on this subject?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Clicker Training

Clicker training is the big thing. It really is. It is not as easy as it sounds. Timing is everthing. The clicker is just to mark a behavior you want. If your timing is off you can mark a behavior you don't want. The clicker also is a promise of a treat. When I have the clicker on my wrist, C.C. is known to hit it, just a reminder that she want to do anything. Find a good class and give it a try, you might be suprised.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Long or short haired dogs

As you can see I have shelties. They do have alot of hair coat, but they really only shed out twice a year. So a good brushing seems to keep them in good shape.
So then there are those short hair breeds, they shed and shed all year long. I have a friend that has Labs. She has dog hair and more dog hair.
I should mention those breeds that need to be clipped, such as poodles. They look good after a trim, but look out when they start to grow out.
Something to think about the next time your looking for a dog.